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Not sleeping isn't normal

Discover the secrets of peaceful slumber with our expert advice on sleeping well. At BUDWING, we believe ‘Not sleeping isn't normal’ - uncover a world of restful nights and energetic...

Not sleeping isn't normal - Breaking the Cycle of Insomnia

Sleep Deprivation in Modern Society - Breaking the Cycle of Insomnia Is Far From Ordinary

Sleep, considered by some the cousin of death, and by others, a refuge from the harshness of reality, remains a fascinating enigma. Despite our collective yearning for it, few can claim to truly harness its rejuvenating power.

In a world that never ceases to hurry, sleep deprivation has stealthily infiltrated our lives, spreading like a silent epidemic. Many afflicted normalize their insomnia, while the loudest cries for help often go unheard.


The Statistical Insomnia Nightmare

According to various sleep studies from reputable institutions, a dangerously high number of individuals suffer from sleep deprivation, with the World Health Organization defining it as an epidemic.

But why, one might wonder, is the land of nod so elusive to many?

For the modern-day insomniac, the culprits are multifarious and include potent distractions from technology, the harrowing stress-weight of life's many obligations, and societal shifts that place an increasing premium on productivity and the ephemerally awake hours.

These factors drive individuals to resort to less healthy forms of escapism, such as alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, social media, and more.


You can see more here "Insomnia Symptoms, Nightmares and Suicide Risk: Duration of Sleep Disturbance Matters" by Michael R. Nadorff, Ph.D., Sarra Nazem, M.S., and Amy Fiske, Ph.D., C.B.S.M.


The Hyper-Stimulating Society: A Blueprint for Sleepless Nights

The modern world is a ceaseless carnival of vivid colors, loud sounds, and incessant motion.

Social media platforms beget a cycle of artificial urgency, the cornerstones of consumerism birth a culture of buy and never sleep, while the competitive workplace plausibly suggests the superhuman practice of functioning on minimum rest.

Nights are for hustling, naps are for the weak, or so it goes, perpetuating cycles of sleep sacrifice.

Failure to switch off in such an environment is not a mere personal failing; it’s a response to systemic pressures and value distortions that seep into the very mortar of our societal construct.


The Insidiousness of Normalizing Sleep Deprivation

There is a curious collective masochism that has descended, where bragging rights are accorded to those who can burn the proverbial candle at both ends.

The boastful "I'll sleep when I'm dead" ethos underscores a troubling normalcy that sleeplessness has gained.

Few contest the narrative that compromise of our sleep is an expected part of life’s bargain, as if in our contract with modernity, daylight is for doing and night, well, perhaps there is no time for dreams anymore.


Shattering the Stigma: Sleep is Not for the Frail

This is the first step towards salvaging our sleep and, by extension, our health. Sleep is not a luxury—it is not for the faint-hearted, nor is it merely a respite from an overbearing day.

It is an absolute necessity and treating it as such is the mark of wisdom and fortitude.

To fight the stigma, we must shift our perception of sleep, touting the benefits of creativity, health, and productivity it bestows, rather than the FOMO-induced fear of missing out on the waking world's happenings.


Learning to Rest in a Restless World

While turning back the technological clock might be neither feasible nor desirable, mastering the art of rest is a skill that must be honed.

It's time to reclaim our bedrooms from the clutches of digital devices, to restore the sanctity of sleep in the face of the ceaseless buzz.

Understanding the sources of our sleeplessness is key.

From tangible influencers like the mattress we sleep on to the intangible demands of our internal clock, there are countless factors that could spell the difference between tossing and turning and a deep, regenerative nightly slumber.


1. The Right Matress to a Good Night's Rest

Your mattress could hold the key—literally—to your dreams.

Recent studies and consumer reports have highlighted the direct correlation between the support, comfort, and quality of a mattress and the sleep it facilitates.

It's not just about counting sheep or bedtime stories; the science behind sleep surfaces is rapidly coming into the light of day.

We know that choosing a mattress can be a challenge because there doesn't seem to be much widespread knowledge about it, so our blog is here to support you in this task. You can check it out here: Guide to choose the best mattress.


2.  Sleep Hygiene: More Than Clean Sheets

Imagine if your bedroom prepped you for sleep passively, with the simplicity of a well-designed room.

This is the essence of sleep hygiene—creating an environment that subconsciously signals your body that it's time to relax. You can see more here in Bedroom.

From the color scheme to the clutter, the aesthetic of your sleep space can wield a powerful effect on the mind.


3. Power Treatments and Tech Detoxes

In harmony with environment, routine and habit play pivotal roles in preparing for rest. 

Power down electronics at least an hour before bedtime, indulge in a calming pre-sleep ritual—yoga, reading, meditation—and observe a consistent schedule to help regulate the body's internal clock.


Join the Slumber Circle

We can choose to continue stumbling through our days, fueled by caffeine and adrenaline or we can take the proverbial bull by its tranquil horns—reclaim the joy, the vitality, and the promise that each night holds.

It's an invitation to join the Slumber Circle, to propagate the concept that a good night's sleep is a supreme act of self-care, not a privilege.

The circle is open, and within it, we’ll find the resolve to redefine our nights, and in so doing, redefine our days.

It's time to make sleep, deep and revitalizing, not only possible but the new normal.

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